OCRA Ltd Board of Directors



The Board consists of 7 leaseholder Directors selected for their wide-ranging interests, experience and diversity. They do however all have the same aim, to protect the investment in our property, your home.


The current board of Directors are:-

 Sara Soper - flat 14 

Chrissie Wooldridge – flat 13 

Chris May – flat 10 - non resident - Chair

Peter Jago - flat 5

Ian Skedd - flat 36

Hugh Mitchelmore - flat 7

OCRA Limited is run by a Board of volunteer Directors who give freely of their time to ensure the smooth management of the site.  Directors meet four times a year.  An Annual General Meeting is held in summer each year. We are currently looking for1 new Director to join the board. If you have lived at Ocean Court for 2 years you are eligible for consideration. Please contact the Chair or Company Secretary for details.